Thursday, July 05, 2007

Bloggers react to Ming's 'joke' and 'Mayor' Boris

Gordon Brown’s first week – or should that be five days – in charge of the country were nothing if not eventful. It culminated with is first PMQs under the media, and blogging community’s, watchful gaze.

For Waking Hereward, it was car crash TV. He wrote: “And so Gordon, the man with the supposed intellect as big as Ben Nevis, a mind as sharp as William Wallace’s Claymore and a brain as logical as Mr McSpock, (Mr Spock’s cleverer and more logical Scottish half-brother), floundered like a beached haddock.”

While Guido Fawkes saw the new Prime Minister’s first performance as being “slapped down” by Ming Campbell. For many, Mr Campbell emerged from the debate with the upper hand.

However, Iain Dale saw it differently: “Ming Campbell's performance was lamentable and Gordon Brown lost no time in sticking the knife in, saying his ‘door is always open to the Right Honourable Gentleman’. This provoked guffaws from everyone apart from the LibDem benches, who looked as though they were about to throw up. Brown gave Ming the opportunity for a funny follow-up, but the old barrister in him couldn’t summon up the killer line and muttered that his door was ‘more like a trap door’.”

Discussing Ming’s jibe, Lib Dem MP Lynne Featherstone admitted: “It doesn’t quite come over in print - but it rocked the House with laughter - the right sort of laughter."

As Brown bungled in Parliament, a known bungler was announced as the new Tory London Mayoral candidate. The Norfolk Blogger’s post, entitled ‘Wanted, loud mouth infamous self publicising politician to beat same - Enter Boris Johnson’ read: “Whilst Ken is prone to putting his foot in it, it tends to be in a premeditated way. He knows what he is saying and the effect he wants to have whilst Boris, with his oafish Billy Bunter style blustering gives the impression of not being in control of his own trousers, let alone his mouth.

“Yes, he may make a contest of it, it ought to say much about Tory prospects in the capital that he is even being considered.”

Theo Spark made a helpful image of what Mayor Boris may look like which was widely circulated around the web. While Guido ran a poll which reflected extremely favourably for the Henley MP.

Guido also set out the case for Boris: “1. He is high profile and likeable. He has name and face recognition that matches Ken Livingstone. Very few people outside the Conservative activist base know any of the other candidates. 2. He would be the popular grassroots choice with his own party activists. 3. He reaches out to those not usually interested in politics. 4. He is a talented media performer and campaigner. 5. He can win.”

Finally, Kerron Cross, writing at 18 Dougherty Street, wrote: “A popular, messy-haired, blonde bombshell with idiot tendencies. I would suggest if those were the qualifications than perhaps David Cameron should have approached a Page 3 stunner from The Sun newspaper to take on the role – but considering the Conservatives named Zoe, 25, from London, as their Environmental Campaigner of the Year last year, I’d better not tempt fate on this matter.”

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